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This Motor home is Great unit with new AGM batteries and new tires
Great unit very low Millage , powerful engine , engine very quiet ,great on gas , great for 2-4 people Thor one of the highest-quality on the market.
Has nice generator.Their premium appliances are comparable to or even exceed the quality of their competitors
Has Extended Warranty for 150,000 miles .
Very powerful quiet Diesel engine , great on gas . Sleeps 4 people comfortably and great seating with private bath .
Has Cummings generator and power Awning.
I slide out for extra room in back .
Low book is 88,000 will sell for 78,000 or BO , building Garage at home so need the money to build .
all the comforts of home . Very Low miles 29,800
Text me Dave 928-350-508 four
Would like to keep , but building a garage