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Our motorhome affectionately known as “Cousin Eddy” is very clean and well kept. The exterior has no body damage but has scratches from limbs and polishing swirls..
The bra across the front has bug marks on the surface which the new owner can eliminate by removing the bra revealing a new looking paint job underneath.
The interior is exceptionally clean. In the kitchen there is a double sink and a three burner gas stove top.
all surfaces are ready to go with little or no cleaning. There are several items added for convenience and usefulness such as magazine racks, tv remote pockets, added matching shelves in the pantry, all lighting
changed into LED’s and all all sofas and chairs have been reupholstered by Tiffin and are like new.
The dash air compressor was replaced six months ago and the Onan generator was reconditioned sixteen months ago. Additionally, the front air conditioner/heat pump was replaced four months ago. It has front and rear leveling jacks, aluminum wheels , surround sound entertainment center, 70 gallons fresh water tank, 50 gallons grey water and black water tanks along with a built-in safe.
You can google a 2012 Tiffin 34tga to see the floor plan along with the included images to get a complete picture of the the unit.